Contraband detection kit
The complete kit for the detection of contraband includes:
– K910B or K910G Series Density Meter
– Fibroscope series FV
– PN series Inspection Probe Kit
– Leica laser Range Meter
– Inspection mirror with high intensity flashlight
– CT-30 Custom Carrying Case with Wheels

Density Meter
The two versions of our density meters Cseco Buster use a low intensity gamma radiation emitter and a scintillation detector to quickly scan vehicles or objects for hidden contraband. The density meter can identify hidden items through material such as wood, metal or reinforced plastics without causing damage to the items being inspected. The Buster gives positive results in less than 5 minutes and evaluates a normal room in less than 10 minutes.

Fiberscope Inspection System
Fiberscopes provide two-way articulation, giving the user a full 360 view inside of a vehicle fuel tank, dashboard, or door. With over 16,000 individual strands of optical fiber and the high-intensity light handle, the visibility is crystal clear, even in the darkest spaces.
Fiberscopes are also ideal for concealed viewing of interior spaces such as as cargo hulls and barricade rooms. These can be used with video cameras and infrared lighting for “stealth” operations, being able to record everything that the operator observes while doing the inspection and to visualize it immediately.

The Videoscope is a visual inspection device with a large, multidrectional high resolution color LCD display with push- botton dimming and digital zoom that provides 10 times the resolution of the leading fiberscope. Its large display allows the user to see clearly into the suspect area without losing the visibility to their surroundings.
It also reduces the eye -fatigue experienced when using a smaller screen or fiberscope, allowing for longermore productive and safer visual inspections. This equipment allows the collection of up to 8,000 photos or 6 hours of high-quality video, without the need for cumbersome attachments, reducing the cost and turnaround time associated with repairs.