
History 2021-04-01T14:30:46+00:00

Over 50 years track record


AEROTECH was established in 1959 by Rene Pairoa Epple, renowned aviator and entrepreneur in Chile and abroad. His log includes outstanding feats such as having been the co-pilot of the first commercial flight to Easter Island, Lan Chile pilot, director of Tourism and founder of LADECO, among others.

historia de aerotechAt the end of the 70s and beginning of the 80s, AEROTECH introduces a variety of better and bigger equipment, such as landing lights, baggage conveyor belts, the first boarding bridges, the first aviation fire trucks with no competitor on the market. The full renewal of the fleet of helicopters of Carabineros de Chile in the mid 1980s represented a milestone in the history of AEROTECH, supplying Carabineros the most modern helicopters at the time.




René Pairoa

René Pairoa started HELICOPSERVICES, a company focused on renting helicopters to private customers, and alongside was also born AEROTECH, initially bringing equipment and supplies for airports and airfields. This way it solved the numerous shortcomings HELICOPSERVICES faced regarding lack of spare parts for related areas such as lights, wind socks, etc.

1980 historia aerotech


The full renewal of the fleet of helicopters of Carabineros de Chile in the mid 1980s represented a milestone in the history of AEROTECH, supplying Carabineros the most modern helicopters at the time.

The first chilean air fair (FIDA 80) was held in 1980, with AEROTECH participating alongside the most prestigious companies in the areas of aeronautics, defense and security.


We continue participating to this day, being responsible for providing the safety equipment used in access control.

In the late 90s, when AEROTECH was mainly devoted to airport equipment, it incorporated a new trade partner: the German company Heimann System, associate of the Italian CEIA,world leader in metal detection equipment for safety purposes, logical complement for hand-baggage inspection equipment. Thus, in 1998 AEROTECH introduces to the market the first security-related equipment.

The year 2001 represents a turning point, both regarding development of technologies and world class safety equipment. By then, AEROTECH was ready to adapt to market demands. In turn, Smith Detection takes over Heinmann, adding two new lines of business: detection of narcotics and explosives, and cargo inspection.

From 2004 on, AEROTECH starts offering rental of security equipment aimed at governmental events, trade fairs, exhibitions, sports events, recitals, etc., becoming the market leader in this field, both locally and regionally.

Aerotech, líderes en seguridad


To date, AEROTECH  is positioned as the leader in the market of security and airport equipment, as well as in the area of quality control. Always open to new lines of business and establishing a presence in other regions of Latin America.

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